Introduction of the writer:
“Colonialism is not satisfied merely holding a people in it’s grip and emptying the natives brains of all from and content. By a kind of perverted logic it turns to the past of the oppressed people and distorts disfigures and destroys it”
- Frantz Fanon
Frantz Omar Fanon was born in 20th July, 1925 at Martinique (French colonial empire). He was Afro – Caribbean psychiatrist, philosopher, revolutionary and the French writer whose works are influential in the field of post – colonial studies and Marxism. Fanon is best known for the classic on decolonization. Although Fanon wrote Black Skin, White Mask while still in France, most of his work was written in North Africa.
1) Black skin white mask - 1952
2) A dying colonialism - 1959
3) Wretched of the earth - 1961
4) Towards the African revolution – 1964
The story “Black skin white mask” is from is from Frantz Fanon’s “Black skin white mask” Fanon analysis how the black person feel in a white world they lose the originality of their native culture and embrace imperial culture. Marechera’s story is about the controversy between two students who are caught between local and imperial cultures.
“Black Skin White Mask” is a book about the mindset of psychology of racism. The book is his doctoral thesis, Fanon wrote to get his degree in psychiatry. This book is worth reading since Fanon’s understanding of White French racism in early 1950 and it can also helps to understand White American racism in the 2010s.
Black skin white mask is a study of the psychology of racism and dehumanization inherent to colonial domination. Fanon describes that Black people experience in the white world. Fanon talks about, self – perception of the Black subject who was has lost his native cultural origin, and embraced the culture of the mother country. He also talks about the inferiority complex in the mind of the Black subject.
The book looks at what goes through the minds of blacks and whites under the condition of white rule and the strange effects of that in black people. The black man trapped in his blackness, the white man in his whiteness, both trapped into their mutual and aggressive narcissism.
“There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have the burden of proving it”
- Fanon, Black skin, White masks.
1 “The Black man and Language”
This chapter deals with the language of white people. The Language of White people is in centre, and Language of Black people is in periphery. Black people have to learn the language of White people.
Language construct the idea of Civilized or uncivilized. If you do not learn the white man’s language perfectly, you are unintelligent. Yet if you do learn it perfectly, you have washed your brain in their universe of racist ideas. That if a black person does not learn the white man’s language perfectly, he is unintelligent. Yet if he does tern it perfectly, he has washed his brain in the world of racial Ideology. It shows that language of White people is in power position and Language of Black people has lesser importance
Thus, the language of White people in centre and the Black people don’t learn it they do not get enough values in society of that time. So, Black people have to learn the language of White people.
2. ‘The Woman of color and The ‘Whiteman’.
The idea of blackness, the mind set of people is like this “I loved him because he had blue eyes, blond hair, and a light skin”. The Mulato, Mulato is a kind of a race which is not black and white.
I want to be recognize not as black, but as white
The effect of white people also touched to the society. Black Woman also wished the White Skin which White woman has. How desire of “WHITENESS’ is more in the Black woman. Because of that many ‘FAIRNESS CREAM’ and their industries grow faster and faster.
3. The Man of Color and the White Woman
The author in this chapter talks about the condition of Block men. He says that these men want to be white too. That people of color have a deep desire for white rule, that those who oppose it to do not have a secure sense of self that they have a chip on their shoulder.
White people have rules over Black people and they have shaped that idea that whiteness is symbol of Goodness.
‘Out of the blackest part of my soul, across the zebra striping of my mind, surges this desire to be suddenly white.’
4. The So-called Dependency Complex of the colonized peoples:
In this chapter writer argues against Fanon’s view that people of color have a deep desire for white rule, that those who oppose it to do not have a secure sense of self that they have a chip on their shoulder. From this chapter I came to understand that the stereotypes of Happy Darkies, Uppity Negroes and White Saviors all come from the need of white people to feel that their power in society is good and not racist.
5. The fact of Blackness
( Fanon: The Lived Experience of the Black Man )
In this chapter Fanon argues about his own fact of Blackness and his struggle he endured such the psychologically alientaly effects of colonialism and racism. Fanon was a Martinican psychiatrist but in the White society, “He is seen not as Dr. Fanon but as Black man”. In this racist society, Fanon argues, Black people “experience being through others”.
“Dirty nigger!” Or simply, “Look, a Negro!”
6. The Negro and Psychopathology
In this chapter writer ask question to reader that, Why should people fear black? Question asked here. Part it has to do with white men’s repressed homosexuality and their strange hang-ups about black men’s penises. More generally, black men are viewed as a body, which makes them seem like mindless, violent sexual, animal beings. Add to that all the bad meanings that the word “black” had even before Europeans set foot in black Africa.
7. The Negro and Recognition
Section-A “The Negro and Adler”
In this section fanon applies Adler’s personality theory to the ‘Antillean Negro’, How Antillean Negro act towards each other. Fanon says, that “The question is always whether he is less intelligent than I, blacker than I, less respectable than I”. The “question of value” that plagues the neurotic Antillean Negro is historically constructed and has arisen out of colonialism.
In this chapter Fanon also talks about the role colonial education. “It is because the Negro belongs to an “inferior” race that he seeks to be like the superior race”. The pattern of the white man.
Section –B “The Negro and the Hegel”
` In the second section Fanon applies Hegel’s Master- Slave dialectic. The ‘Hegelian dialectic’ offers, Fanon argues, an explanation of what distinguishes “human reality” from “natural reality”.
“Man is human only to the extent to which he tries to impose his existence on another man in order to be recognized by him”
8. Way of conclusion
This final chapter discuses the escaping the prison of one’s past and one’s race.“The negro is not: Any more than the White Man”. In Fanon’s words, his writing “Exposes an utterly naked declivity where an authentic upheaval can be born”
Conclusion :-
Thus, black skin and white Mask is remain Important work to give voice to the problems of racial discrimination to black people. It attacks the notion white superiority. Black people have desire to became white. Because being white is means superior. So they have desire to became white. And even Mulatto, mixed race people finds problem in matching with either white or black people. They feel superior among black and inferior among white people. So it gives voice to such issues of society.
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