23 February 2020

Thinking Activity: Digital Humanities

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This task given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir head of Department of English Maharaj KrishnaKumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

1)Difine Digital Humanities?

"The digital humanities is an area of research of computing and the Intersection of computing and the disciplines of the humanities".

The term"digital humanities" has been evolving for several decades and often describes the application and/or development of digital tools and resources to enable researchers to address questions and perform new types of analyses in the humanities disciplines. This paper focuses on how to support humanists and provide them with tools to conduct DH research.

2) What is it doing in English Department? Write any three reasons out of six given in the article by Matthew G. Kirschenbaum.

Returning to the linguistic  discussion, on the other hand, in the term 'Digital humanities' the digital features as an adjective for the Humanities, a means according to which the humanistic agenda is carried out. So when John Unsworth suggested that Blackwell' s book should be called not "A companion to Humanities' computing' not companion to Digitized Humanities'' but instead " Companion to Digital Humanities he probably wanted to appeal to an audience of humanists operating with digital tools. In this formulation, the core humanistic values, such as inquiry, critical thinking, debate,  pluralism and critique, lie at the heart of the field.

According to Matthias Kirschenbaum, digital humanities is better understood as a common methodological outlook than as specific sets of texts or technologies. In a similar vein. Todd Present considers that digital humanities is " an umbrella term for a wide array of practices for creating, applying, interpreting, interrogating and hacking both new and old information technologies", 13 so much, that Kathleen Fitzpatrick was led to ask: " Digital Humanities- singular or plural?"14 some scholars describe two waves of digital humanities work.

3) Can it help in study/research of regional literature written in local languages (i.e. Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati,Marathi,Tamil, Telugu etc) as it helps in the study of literature in English?

The earliest Indian literature took the form of the canonical Hindu sacred writings. Known as the Veda. Which were written in Sanskrit. To the Veda were added prose commentaries such as the Brahmanas and the Upanishads. The production of Sanskrit Literature extended from about 1500 BCE to about 1000 CE and reached its height of development in the 1st to 7th centuries CE. In addition to sacred and Philosophical writings, such genres as erotic and devotional lyrics, court poetry, plays, and narrative folktales emerged.

Thanks you 🤗

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