Name:- Hareshwari Kapdi
Batch- 2020-21
Roll no:-7
Submitted to- Smt.S.B. Gardi Department of English MKBU
Paper name:- English language Teaching -2
Course:- M.A. English sem-4
Topic:- my experience (E- portfolio)
Definitions of Eportfolio:-
Just a quick search on the Internet is enough to understand that there are many definitions of e-portfolios, however, the majority of them include keywords such as: reflection, collection, competence, curriculum, digital repository, projects, work, planning. For the purposes of this project we consider the following definitions:
1. "An electronic portfolio provides an environment where students can: collect their work in a digital archive; select specific pieces of work to highlight specific achievements; reflect on the learning demonstrated in the portfolio, in either text or multimedia form; set goals for future learning to improve; and celebrate achievement through sharing this work with an audience, whether real or virtual. When used in formative, classroom-based assessment, teachers can review the portfolio document, and provide formative feedback to students on where they could improve.”
2. "An electronic portfolio is a collection of authentic and diverse evidence, drawn from a larger archive representing what a person or organization has learned over time, on which the person or organization has reflected, and designed for presentation to one or more audiences for a particular rhetorical purpose.
Welcome to my Digital Portfolio
I am Hareshwari kapdi
Hello everyone!
Please give me your valuable 2 minutes and visit my Digital portfolio and evaluate my e-portfolio.
My Digital Portfolio link:-
Feedback Form:-
Thanks for visiting, have a nice day😊
My experience:-
Hello everyone !
The Experience of E-portfolios in Student Learning Objectives
1. Index
3. Goals (general and specific)
4. Bibliography
5. Types and criteria for evaluation
6. Learning platform
7. Relevant texts
8. Videos and other multimedia resources
9. Requested works
10. Reflections about what was learned
Here I am sharing my experience of my e- portfolio. There is a lot to be learned while creating a portfolio.
Creation and management of an e-portfolio provides students with opportunities to build digital fluency, using technologies to create, select, organise, edit, and evaluate their work.
Technology enables the use of a range of media – video, audio, and images – as well as text to show both the learning process and final products.
Students can take increasing responsibility for their own learning by recording and reflecting on their learning in an e-portfolio.
Students can carry their e-portfolio throughout their learning journey and use it to record, assess, evaluate, and reflect at any time.
An e-portfolio can reflect the students' learning process and progress.
Bloom, B., “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals”, pp. 201-207, (Ed.) Susan Fauer Company, Inc. 1956
Correia, T., Martins, I., Soeiro, A., Digital Portfolios in University of Porto: defining goals, IASK 2008, Teaching and Learning 2008, Aveiro, 2008. Keypal.
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