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Metaphysical poetry three days discussion of the Dr. R.K. Mandaliya sir from S.P.University, Vallabh Vidhyanager. Definition , Jone Donnes Metaphysical poetry , characteristics and etc.sir suggested some of the classic films worth to watch. Organized by Dr.Dilip Barad sir.
Que :- (1) Characteristics of Metaphysical poetry written by Jone Donne as well as any other Metaphysical poet
# What is a metaphysical ?
Metaphysical word made of two words,
Meta - Beyond
Physical - our surrounding
# Difinition metaphysical poetry :-
"A group of poets emerged in the beginning of the seventeenth century whose poetry come to be known as the metaphysical poetry".
# Characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry
-The use of conceits.
-Dramatic Quality.
-All metaphysicals were the men Of learning.
Perhaps the most common characteristicis that metaphysical poetry contained large dose of wit. In although the poets were examining serious questions about the existence of God or whether a human could possibly perceive the world , poets were sure to ponder those questions with humor.
Metaphysical poetry also sought to shock the reader and wake him or her up from his or her normal existence in order to question the unquestionable. The poetry often mixed ordinary speech with paradoxes and puns.The results were strange, comparing unlikely things, such as lover to a compass or the soul to a drop of dew. These weird comparisons were called conceits.
Metaphysical poery also explored a few common themes. They all had a religious sentiment. In addition, many of the poems explored the theme of carpe diem(seize the day) and investigated the humanity of life.
One great way to analyze metaphysical poetry is to consider how the poems are about both thought and feeling. Think about it. How could you possibly write a poem about the existence of God if you didn' t have some emotional reaction to such an enormous, life- altering question ?
A word metaphysical first time used by Dr.Johnson in "The lives of poet ".
Born: 22 January 1572, London,United Kingdom
Died: 31 March 1631, London, United Kingdom
John Donne, the founding father of the school of metaphysical poetry . John Donne was an English poet and cleric in the Church of England. He is considered the preeminent repsentative of th metaphysical poets. His works are noted for their strong, sensual style and include sonnets, love poems, religious poems, satires and sermons.
# Metaphysical poetry By JohnDonne
- " The sun Rising"
- " The Flea"
- " Death Be Not Proud "
- " The Dream "
- " Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go "
- " The Ecstacy "
# The Flea

Welcome to my blog
Metaphysical poetry three days discussion of the Dr. R.K. Mandaliya sir from S.P.University, Vallabh Vidhyanager. Definition , Jone Donnes Metaphysical poetry , characteristics and etc.sir suggested some of the classic films worth to watch. Organized by Dr.Dilip Barad sir.
Que :- (1) Characteristics of Metaphysical poetry written by Jone Donne as well as any other Metaphysical poet
# What is a metaphysical ?
Metaphysical word made of two words,
Meta - Beyond
Physical - our surrounding
# Difinition metaphysical poetry :-
"A group of poets emerged in the beginning of the seventeenth century whose poetry come to be known as the metaphysical poetry".
# Characteristics of Metaphysical Poetry
Donne's style is characterised by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical coinceits. The metaphysical poets is a term coined by the poet and critic Samul Johnson to describe a loose group of English lyric poets of the 17th century
-Far-fetched images.
-The use of conceits.
-Dramatic Quality.
-All metaphysicals were the men Of learning.
Perhaps the most common characteristicis that metaphysical poetry contained large dose of wit. In although the poets were examining serious questions about the existence of God or whether a human could possibly perceive the world , poets were sure to ponder those questions with humor.
Metaphysical poetry also sought to shock the reader and wake him or her up from his or her normal existence in order to question the unquestionable. The poetry often mixed ordinary speech with paradoxes and puns.The results were strange, comparing unlikely things, such as lover to a compass or the soul to a drop of dew. These weird comparisons were called conceits.
Metaphysical poery also explored a few common themes. They all had a religious sentiment. In addition, many of the poems explored the theme of carpe diem(seize the day) and investigated the humanity of life.
One great way to analyze metaphysical poetry is to consider how the poems are about both thought and feeling. Think about it. How could you possibly write a poem about the existence of God if you didn' t have some emotional reaction to such an enormous, life- altering question ?
A word metaphysical first time used by Dr.Johnson in "The lives of poet ".
Born: 22 January 1572, London,United Kingdom
Died: 31 March 1631, London, United Kingdom
John Donne, the founding father of the school of metaphysical poetry . John Donne was an English poet and cleric in the Church of England. He is considered the preeminent repsentative of th metaphysical poets. His works are noted for their strong, sensual style and include sonnets, love poems, religious poems, satires and sermons.
# Metaphysical poetry By JohnDonne
- " The sun Rising"
- " The Flea"
- " Death Be Not Proud "
- " The Dream "
- " Sweetest Love, I Do Not Go "
- " The Ecstacy "
# The Flea
The Flea is an ideal example of the metaphysical by Donne.
Theme:The theme is love and pain. Mercy of the creature.
For example.
" Mark but this Flea, and mark in this
How little that, which thou deniest me is
It sucke'd me first, and now sucks thee
And in this Flea out two blood mingled be."
For example.
- Is taken from the field of Biology to expression of love.
-The Flea is a small insect with sucks blood from human body this insed used here as a theme for the expression of love . # The Sun Rising

In "The sun Rising "Donne considers his beloved the centre of the universe.
This feeling is conveyed by making the sun revolve round their room:
"Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere;
This bed thy center is, these walls thy sphere ".
Love is the main things that binds all things together
Human body is used as mirror of physical love experienced between people.
# Major Metaphysical poets :-
-John Donne(1572-1631)
-Henry Vaughan (1622-1695)
-Andrew Marvell(1621-1678)
-Abraham Cowley(1618-1667)
-George Herbert (1594-1633)
-Richard Crashaw (1613-1649)
-John Cleveland (1613-1658)
-Thomas Traherne(1637-1674)
-Henry Vaughan (1622-1695)
# Robert Browning:

Robert Browning (7 May1812- December 1889) was an poetandplaywrightwhosemasteryofthedramaticmonologuemadehimoneoftheforemostvictorianpoets.Hispoemsareknownfortheirirony,characterization,dark humour ,social commentary, historical settings, and challenging vocabulary and syntax.
Literary movment:-Victorian
Children:-Robert Wiedeman Barrett "pen" Browning
Occupation :poet
# Robert Browning metaphysical poems
"My Last Duchess"
"porphyria's Lover"
"Meeting At Night"
"Andrea del sarto"
# "My Last Duchess"
Lucrezia de ' Medici by Bronzi no generally believed to be "My Last Duchess" .
"My Last Duchess" is a poem by Robert Browning ,frequetly anthologised as an example of the dramatic monologue. It first appeared in 1842 in Browning's Dramatic Lyrics .The poem is written in 28 rhuming couplets of iambic pentameter.
Que(2) : Write critical analysis of metaphysical poem of poets other than John Donne
when we begin exploring John Donne's verse, the description of him as a 'metaphysical' poet is inescapable and so it's worth considering in detail.
Importantly, Donne and the other 16th-and17th- century poets gathered under the 'metaphysical' banner -Carew, Vaughan and Marvell to name some of the most renowned-didn't form a cohesive movement in their own time. However, their stylistic similarities - in particular a kind of showy originality and lingustic immediacy -have meant that they have been clustered together for centuries.Some critics such as the 18th-century essayist Samuel Jonson have criticised metaphysical poets for what they saw as their self -conscious cleverness. Others such as the poet T.S.Eliot have celebrated their inventiveness.
# Metaphysical poem of poets:-
-John Donne-"The sun Rising"
-Andrew Marvell-"To His Coy mistress"
-George Herbert- "The Templ"
-Henry Vaughan- "Silex Scintillans"
- Richard Crashaw-"Steps to the temple"
-Abraham Cowley -"Cowley's Essays"
-Thomas Traherne-"Centuries Of meditations"
-Thomas Carew-"The Poems"
# George Herbert
George Herbert,'The pulley 'Another of Herbert's poems whose paradoxes and wordplay show him to be one of the greatest metaphysical poets. 'The Pulley' is a creation poem Which imagines God making man and bestowing all available attributes upon him-except for rest.Work is important so made Nature, rather than Nature itself. We suppose one way of looking it is to say that God is advocating hard work as its own reward, and justifying having just one day of the week as a 'day of rest ' on which to worship Him. Man should be 'rich and weary'- rich not only in a financial but in a moral and spiritual sense, too , we assume.

Good work keep it up..