04 August 2019

Thinking activity :Faustus : A play by christopher Marlow

-Christopher Marlow(1564-1593):-
                                                                                                                                                                          -He alsoknown as "kit Marlow".
     -He was a translator of an  Elizabethan era.
     -Infuenced by shakespear.
     -He was the first major dramatics of that era.
     -Dr.Faustus play written by christopher marlow (1588).
                                                                                                                                                                      Dr.Faustus play : Thinking activity:-
                                                                                                                                                                    -Dr.Faustus:- The hero of play.

-Valdez and cornelius:-scholar friends of faustus.

-Lucifer:-The prince of hell.

-Belzebub:-The fallen Angel.

-Mephistopheles:-The ugly Devil.

-Wagner:-Servant of Faustus.

-Clown:-Rustic, servant of wagner.

-Rafe:-Friend of Robin.

-Vintner:-Wine seller, Inn-keeper

-Horse courser:-He buys a horse from Dr.Faustus.

-A knight:-One who disregards Faustus.

-An old man:-He advises Faustus to turn to the right path.

-Scholars, friars and attendants:-Scholars are friends of Faustus.

-Duchess Of Vanholt:-wife of Duke of vanholt whodemands and gets a dish of grapes from     Faustus.

-Good Angel:-A spirit that urges Faustus to repent for his agreement with Lucifer.

-Bad Angel:-The spirit that serves as the evil part of Dr.Faustus's conscience.

-Balik and Belcher:-The spirits called by wagner to frighten the rustic Clown.

 Question 1 :- The play directed by Matthew Dunster for Globe theatre ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer ). What does it signify ?
                                                             Lucifer :The prince of hell

              Dr.Faustus repenting from the depth of his heart .. We can say that the tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives it means at the end of play Dr.Faustus realized that he chose a wrong path and at the end by his grief he indirectly dies inside and becaused of that fall of Dr.Faustus, Lucifer feel his great tripumphal against him.

                  Thus, here the last scene of Lucifer signifies his great triumphal.

Question 2 :-Is God present in the play ? If yes, where and how ? If No, why ?
                           Yes, God present in the play

                               -As a Good Angel - a symbol

                               -As a 'Homo, fuge' -a sing

                              - As a old Men -a humanbeing

                                -As a chorus -a soul of God

       In this play the God in not present but old man are like a God , but when Dr.Faustus at the last scene there we can say that time Dr.Faustus to need of God.

Question 3:-what reading and interetation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and lcarus with reference to central theme of the play Dr.Faustus ?


Lucifer is son of the Daedalus

                           Lucifer is son of the Daedalus and they were prisoners in one king. Daedalus was a master and talented. So he was becoming a tow wav wing's that time escape for prison and flies in the sky. Lucifer was a young man so he was a very highest fly and very near sun and he was left in lending in ground. He was a  forget become a god. 

Question 4:-How do you interpret this painting ?

This is a painting of Landscape about "The fall of  lcarus " This is a modern portrayal of the Greek myth Daedalus and lcarus. This painting known as 'Landscape with the fall of lcarus '  this is the interpretation of the picture name " Landscape with the fall of lcarus" - Pieter Bruegel.

Question 5:-Read this article by Bhagat singh. In light of  the arguments made by Bhagat singh in this artical can you re-write last monologue of Doctor Faustus ?
It may be a revelation to many but Bhagat singh, one of the greatedt heroes India's independence struggle produced , never advocater violence -except at the start of his revolutionary life.

A God believing Hindu may expect to be reborn a king ; a muslim or a christia might dream of the cuxuries he hopes to enjoy in paradise as a reward for his suffering are sacrifices.

Dr.Faustus is the sake of knowledge and when his desire to reach at the peak he also sells his soul to hell.

After the clock strikes the half hour,  Faustus  pleads with God to place a limit on his time in hell - 'Let Faustus live in hell a thousand years,/A hundred thousand, and at last be save '(ll.103-04)-'O, no end is limited to damned souls'

Question 6:-summarise articles discussed in the class : 
Marlowe and God :Tragic theology of Dr.Faustus
Myth, psychology and Marlowes Doctor Faustus

"Biographical" studies of Dr.Faustus were partial and unsatisfactor. In more recent "corrective " stdies the element of fire Marlowe's tragic thought is quite put only the ironies of Faustus overre aching ombitions and the choric homiletic pieties remain.He turned from theist to theism and at last by his character he started believing in God.

 Ever since Eliot described The jew of Malta as a "tragic farce," critics have been trying hard to define the purticular conjunction of con tradictory impulses in Marlowe's works.

According to jung, the death of meaning in mythic symbols of christianity was beginning during the Renaissance-Reformation period, the age of Dr. Faustus. Mankind then began to lose something which, in the form of another, is necessary for psychic health "Mankind has to lend magical aid against all the uncanny things that lives in the depths of the psyche."

1 comment:

  1. Brevity is the soul of wit. Very good points and introducing of characters. But paragraph settings should be changed. Keep writing. You'll improve slowly and steadily. Good luck.
